Thanks to local veterans each year, first grade classes throughout Chesterfield County Public Schools learn about the American flag. The Forty & Eight veterans group has been visiting Chesterfield schools for more than 30 years, distributing about 134,000 flags to first graders.
This year’s visits to every Chesterfield County elementary school began in February, were a bit disrupted during snow days and will continue into March.
At every school, veterans talk about their time in the U.S. military and share information about the Pledge of Allegiance, “The Star-Spangled Banner” and respecting the U.S. flag. The veterans show students historical versions of the American flag, including the Betsy Ross version, the 15-stars/15-stripes version of Fort McHenry and today’s flag with 50 stars and 13 stripes. Representatives from the Forty & Eight also encourage students to thank veterans and military personnel for their service. At the end of each presentation, students receive small flags, coloring books and information to take home.
The Forty & Eight veterans honor society that visits schools in Chesterfield and neighboring districts includes members of American Legion Post 284 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2239.