
Jennifer Rudd

Jennifer Rudd, Principal

Welcome to Bellwood Elementary School, home of the Bulldogs!  Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about our school community, including our amazing students, our loving staff, our supporting families and partners, and our exciting programs.  As your principal since 2010, I am honored to lead our school community to help provide an exciting and rigorous educational experience for our students. I am proud to be a product of Chesterfield County Public Schools myself. I am a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University and hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Masters of Teaching, and Post-Masters in Administration and Supervision.

Our team is committed to ensuring that your child receives the best possible support to learn and grow. My vision for Bellwood is to provide students with an educational experience that inspires and motivates them to be lifelong learners and caring contributors to the world around them. Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment that meets the individual needs of each student, both academically and socially. 

Great schools always come back to the relationship between the child and the teacher. Be sure and find ways to engage yourself in school life – your child will notice and respond. There are numerous opportunities for parental involvement. Together, we can make a positive difference. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children. Families, teachers, support staff, community members, and administration all play a part in helping our students develop academically, socially, and emotionally. May we all be present for the joy of learning, the satisfaction of a job well done, and the comfort that comes from belonging to a community. To my students, staff, families, and community; I am so honored to be your servant leader. Thank you for the opportunity to work with such an amazing school community. I encourage you to stop in or call me to share ideas, concerns, or questions. I wish your family, and especially your child, great success this school year. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to say hi, please feel free to contact me via email @  Together we are stronger than the sum of every individual. We will lead the charge together as we continue our work to ensure that Every Bulldog is held to high academic expectations that meet their individual needs; because You Matter to us here at Bellwood.

Tiffany House

Tiffany House, Associate Principal

Hi Bellwood Families,

I am honored to serve as the Associate Principal at Bellwood Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year. Before my time at Bellwood, I was the  Dean of Students at Winterpock Elementary. As a teacher, I served eight years at Falling Creek Elementary where I taught ELL, gifted, SPED, and Title I reading.

I am a proud graduate of Chesterfield County Public Schools and Longwood University. At Longwood, I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, a Masters in Literacy and Culture, and a Post-Masters in Educational Leadership. Go, Lancers! I hold certifications as a reading specialist and a National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy.

My husband and I have two amazing children who are Bellwood Bulldogs in Kindergarten and Third grade. As a family, we love listening to music, dancing, going for walks, and reading books. I also love interior design and trying new hobbies.

I am excited to continue working with this community to impact student success in academics and their social and emotional wellness. I believe that EVERY student deserves a champion that will encourage them to grow as learners and as people. I am excited to be one of those champions for our students. I am thrilled to collaborate with the Bellwood students, families, and community to continue the tradition of excellence and teamwork.